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👋 Channel: Ask a data question, get an answer.

At Channel, we use cutting-edge AI to answer your data questions. We help our customers answer questions like: “which artists achieved more than 100 million streams over the last year?”, “How many donations did our charity receive last month?” and “Which of our customers are about to churn?” without needing to rely on a data analyst to answer those questions. With Channel, you simply ask a question in plain English and Channel serves you the answer.

Channel Demo.mp4

In only one month since opening our beta, we have already filled the first 100 spots of our beta program, with a further 9,000 businesses on the Channel waiting list.

At Channel, we believe that a small team of amazing people can outperform the average team of 100 people and have focused on the best and brightest within our team of 5.

🏡 Open Positions

If you feel like no position is perfectly suitable for you - never mind, just contact us anyway!

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🍱 Benefits

This list is not exhaustive but at least: